Alcohol Rehab Program in Kokomo, Indiana

What is Alcohol Rehab?

Individuals struggling with an alcohol use disorder (AUD) are the ones who lack control over managing their drinking habits. Individuals struggling with alcohol addiction will feel they cannot function without it. Luckily, many treatment options are available that will help individuals recover from alcohol addiction and get back to living a healthy lifestyle.

You’ll be supervised and cared for throughout your stay, where your team group will celebrate successes until the goal of a lifetime of sobriety mindset is achieved.

Understand, though, overcoming alcohol addiction is a process. To achieve the highest chance of long-term sobriety after completing a rehab program, an individual should participate in local groups and also continue with treatment programs. Registering with an alcohol addiction treatment program is a vital investment in your future.

Signs of Alcoholism

alcohol rehab in Indiana

All around the world, alcohol is legal for adults at a certain age to purchase and consume. Alcoholic beverages are available everywhere, and many adults of all ages partake. Individuals who consume alcohol daily find it hard to determine when appropriately drinking alcohol becomes alcohol addiction. Studies have shown there are a few vital signs to look for, which include:

  • Consuming alcohol and then driving
  • Consuming alcohol throughout the day
  • Consuming alcohol strictly for the buzz
  • The urge to drink every day
  • Consuming large amounts of alcohol in social situations

These drinking patterns are all different, but they have the same thing in common. Individuals who drink like this have lost their grip of control over their consumption. Alcohol addiction will drive their behaviors. It may seem like a subtle distinction, but it is vital to understand the individuals who don’t curb their troublesome drinking behaviors, can find themselves consuming to feed their alcohol addiction.

Intricate drinking patterns will shift the electrical activities for the brain, which makes individuals have little to no control over how or when they consume alcohol.

5 Subtypes of Alcoholism

There are 5 different subtypes of alcohol addiction which include:

  • The first type is known as the young adult subtype which includes young adults who drink without a family history of alcohol addiction or co-occurring mental illnesses.
  • The second type is known as the young antisocial subtype which also includes young adult drinkers. These individuals do have a family history of alcohol addiction and they also have co-occurring mental illnesses and other substance use addictions.
  • The third type is known as the functional subtype for individuals who are middle-aged and successful with job stability and family support. These are individuals with a family history of alcohol addiction in about 25% of them having a history of depression.
  • The fourth type is known as the common familial subtype, which includes middle-aged individuals with a family history of alcohol addiction and previous depressive episodes.
  • The fifth type is known as the severe chronic subtype, which includes middle-aged individuals with a family history of alcohol addiction, a history of mental illness, and an addiction to other substances.

When to Seek Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Before starting an alcohol addiction treatment program, individuals must first recognize their condition and have a desire to quit. At times, individuals will acknowledge they have a drinking problem on their own. At other times, friends or family members may have to stage an alcohol addiction intervention. This will involve loved ones expressing concerns about the individual’s excessive drinking habits.

An intervention also helps start the discussion about alcohol addiction treatment options and support groups that are available.

Some emotions that are related to alcohol addiction will include:

  • Shifts in mood
  • Acting more violently
  • Frequently binge drinking
  • Neglecting responsibilities
  • Denial of alcohol addiction
  • Less interested in hobbies
  • Indulging in illegal activities
  • Work or school performance lacking

There isn’t an exact correct time to get someone to help with alcohol addiction. However, if it is left untreated, alcohol addiction may trigger a wide range of problems. These include health complications, relationship issues, professional disruptions, and financial troubles.

The quicker an individual with an alcohol addiction gets the treatment they need, the higher the chance they have of getting clean and living a sober lifestyle.

How Can I Overcome Alcohol Addiction?

There isn’t a cure for alcohol addiction, and overcoming its effects is a long process that requires both dedication and various treatments and therapy programs.

What is an Alcohol Rehab Program?

An individual’s alcohol addiction treatment plan will depend on circumstances which include:

  • History of alcohol dependence
  • A personal commitment to sobriety
  • Financial situation
  • Support level from family and friends

A doctor will ask a series of questions that will determine the level of addiction. These questions help their decision on which treatment option best suits the individual’s needs. The doctor may also speak to friends and relatives to gauge the addiction, symptoms, and treatment options.

Doctors and therapists may recommend some of the following treatment options, which include:

  • Counseling
  • Medications
  • Behavioral modification

Behavioral Modification

Individuals misusing alcohol become addicted to the act of drinking alcohol as the alcohol affects itself. Because of this cause, individuals may need to learn skills and coping mechanisms to help avoid alcohol once leaving the treatment center and during situations where the urge to drink is massive.

Counseling and Therapy

Your doctor can refer you to a group or one-on-one counseling. Support groups are most helpful for individuals just who just started going through alcohol addiction treatment. Support groups will help the individual connect with others who are facing similar challenges. They’ll help answer questions, encourage, and direct you to help support resources.


Several medications are used for alcohol addiction treatment which includes:

  • Disulfiram, which is an alcohol sensitizing drug that lowers your desire to drink by giving you a nauseous feeling when alcohol is consumed. This drug, combined with alcohol, will cause flushing, vomiting, nausea, and headaches.
  • Acamprosate, which helps combat alcohol addiction cravings by restoring the chemical balance within your brain.
  • Naltrexone, which will block the field effects that alcohol consumption has on the brain. With those good feelings taken away, individuals feel less inclined to drink.

Alcohol Rehab Near Me

Alcohol addiction is common amongst all ages and races of individuals. It is important to seek help for alcohol addiction and to choose a full service, a qualified rehabilitation center that can assist you through the full treatment process.

Our team at First City Recovery Center can get you the answers you need to make this life-changing decision. We understand the individuals coming in are nervous and may not know what to expect when it comes to treatment. That’s why our team of fully trained addiction treatment specialists will get you the tools needed to recapture the lifestyle that’s deserved. Our Alcohol Rehab in Kokomo, IN is specifically designed to help people overcome alcoholism effectively. Learn more about our alcohol rehab program here.

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