Find an AA Meeting in Indiana Today
Alcoholics Anonymous was formed in 1935 as a group of people committed to maintaining sobriety. It’s an international fellowship that hosts meetings worldwide, completely free to join and attend. More commonly known as AA, the group offers something called the Twelve Steps which is a program designed to achieve sobriety through mutual self-help.
In 2016, the US Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs and Health stated: “Well-supported scientific evidence demonstrates the effectiveness of twelve-step mutual aid groups focused on alcohol and twelve-step facilitation interventions.” Although AA isn’t named specifically, it’s the most popular of such mutual aid groups.
So how can you find a meeting in Indiana? Perhaps more importantly, why should you?
Table of Contents
ToggleAlcoholism in Indiana
One out of every 20 Hoosiers suffers from alcoholism. Among Indiana youths, the problem gets worse. Nearly 18% of Indiana residents between ages 12 and 20 have consumed alcohol in the last month, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Furthermore, close to one person dies on average per day from drunk driving in Indiana alone. This is higher than the national average by a few percent points.
It should also be mentioned that around one in twelve Hoosiers meet the criteria for having a substance abuse disorder. Alcohol isn’t the only problem, but it’s a big one. If you or a loved one needs immediate assistance with substance abuse, please call us today. First City is top-notch when it comes to professional help with addiction.
Finding an AA Meeting in Indiana
“The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking.” That’s what it says on the Alcoholics Anonymous website. There are multiple ways to find a meeting near you.
Click here to find an AA meeting in Indiana.
Click here to find an AA meeting in the US or Canada. You can click on your state or search by zip code.
Click here to find an AA meeting outside of the US or Canada.
If you’re about to graduate from a recovery program with First City or with any other recovery center, AA also offers something called Bridge the Gap. It’s a program designed to facilitate the transfer from a recovery program to AA meetings. Click here for more info.
You may also call 1-800-839-1686 for the 24-hour AA hotline.
Lastly, AA has an online intergroup, which may be helpful for those wishing to stick to internet-based meetings.
What are AA Meetings like?
First and foremost, although there are some religious aspects to AA, there is no denomination and not all meetings are in churches. There are general meetings, men-only meetings, women-only meetings, adolescent-only meetings, and LBGTQ meetings.
There are also different meeting formats. Some will have a speaker or multiple speakers. Some will be open discussion. Some may even be closed discussion or strictly 12-step based. For a first time, we recommend an open discussion, but obviously choose whatever suits you best.
Meetings with speakers will consist of members telling their stories one at a time. Open discussion meetings are exactly what thy sound like, with everyone chiming in. Closed discussion meetings as well as 12-step based ones are generally reserved for members with more intense alcohol addiction.
A Final Word
Narcotics Anonymous also exists, serving the exact same functions as AA except dealing with other illicit drugs. In fact, there are several other options when it comes to free group-based help. However, Alcoholics Anonymous is the single most established of these groups.
First City Recovery Center is an addiction treatment center based in Kokomo, Indiana. As a Midwest addiction treatment center, we know the value of family and the importance of integrated living. That’s why we work so hard to provide high-quality treatment programs that cater to both the needs of every member of the American family individually and the American family as a whole.
Please call us today if you feel you need more help than a group meeting can provide. Addiction is a dangerous and deadly thing, and we want to help.

MD, Psychiatrist
Dr. Vahid Osman, MD is a psychiatry specialist in Indianapolis, IN.
Dr. Osman completed a residency at Austin State Hospital. He has over 32 years of experience in Psychiatry & Behavioral Health. He is board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.