Addiction Treatment in Kokomo, IN

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Addiction Treatment in Kokomo Indiana

Contrary to popular belief, quitting drugs isn’t merely a matter of willpower. Someone who is addicted to drugs will continue using them even if they don’t want to anymore.

Overcoming addiction is a battle because of the way drug abuse changes the brain. Some substances are more addictive than others, but drug abuse almost always leads to a problem. In all cases, it’s crucial to be both supportive and unmoving about treatment.

First City Recovery offers several drug abuse programs that can help your loved one return to everyday life.


First, the medical team performs a complete medical and mental health assessment, including tests to identify drugs in the body. All of this information helps the staff establish a course of action and which medications, if any, they need to give a patient.


Stabilizing means returning a patient to sobriety comfortably. The goal is to make the process as comfortable as possible. There are several ways your team can achieve this:

  • administering medications, if necessary
  • a variety of psychosocial interventions
  • working with other loved ones to help motivate the patient

Additionally, staff will introduce patients to the treatment plan and help them understand what to expect.

Dual Diagnosis

Many people who suffer from substance use disorder also live with another behavioral or mental health disorder. Individuals with a dual diagnosis receive additional care that addresses the interconnected mental health concerns.

Common Mental Health Issues with Addiction

Some disorders repeatedly present themselves in those living with addiction. Often, these diseases are what drive someone to use drugs. This is why drug abuse programs must identify and consider them when developing personalized treatment plans.

The most common disorders linked to substance use disorder include:


Many people with ADHD turn to drugs to cope with their symptoms. Additionally, doctors often prescribe stimulants to treat the disorder, leading to a toxic substance abuse pattern.

Bipolar Disorder

About half of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder also deal with addiction. Again, a desire to self-medicate is the driving force here. Drugs and alcohol can take the “edge” off, providing temporary relief from seemingly insurmountable manic episodes.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Perhaps more than any other, borderline personality disorder drives many of its afflicted to substance abuse.


Likewise, people suffering from depression end up in a worsening self-medication cycle. A devastating crash always follows the temporary relief.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder affects a substantial percentage of the adult population. For the same reasons listed above, many end up turning to drugs or alcohol to cope.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

OCD causes unwanted intrusive thoughts and other obsessions, including irrational fears and the compulsion to complete certain rituals. It’s a multi-faceted disorder that can manifest in different ways.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

After a severely traumatic event, a person can develop PTSD. This disorder impedes endorphin production and makes it difficult for someone to feel happy. According to the Department of Veteran Affairs, as many as 80 percent of suffering soldiers may abuse alcohol.

Group Therapy

Most addiction treatment programs primarily feature group therapy as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. On a specific schedule, groups meet and discuss their feelings, problems, changes in the last day, or conflicts that arise.

Often, patients receive a “buddy” who is further along the recovery process. This buddy acts as a mentor and can soften transitional difficulties in the group setting.

Although each resident undergoes group therapy as part of treatment, some may also receive private therapy sessions on an as-needed basis.

Individual Therapy

Individual sessions allow counselors to focus more precisely on a resident’s struggles with drug or alcohol use. They also give the team space to assess other areas of impaired functioning, including family relations, illegal activity, and employment status.

Through an emphasis on short-term behavior, individual therapy helps patients establish healthier coping strategies that promote drug abstinence. Many programs also encourage 12-step participation.

First City Recovery can safely guide Indiana residents through the withdrawal process and facilitate long-term recovery. Contact us today to learn more.

Commonly Abused Substances


Alcohol rehab is a process that helps people overcome their addiction to alcohol.  Our alcohol treatment program includes alcohol detox as well as group and individual counseling sessions with therapists who specialize in addictive behaviors.


Meth addiction is a serious problem that can be difficult to overcome. Methamphetamine also causes many unpleasant side effects including restlessness, irritability, insomnia, weight loss are all very common symptoms of withdrawal from meth abuse. 


Opioid addiction can be a challenging disorder for those who suffer from it as well as their loved ones. Opioids create an intense physical dependence in users, which makes it difficult for addicts to stop using without medical assistance.


Cocaine addiction can be hard to break because it creates long-term changes in the brain, increasing levels of dopamine which leads to tolerance and dependence. If you or someone you know has been struggling with cocaine addiction, help is available.


Heroin is a highly addictive substance with severe withdrawal symptoms when discontinued after prolonged use. If you’re struggling with heroin addiction don’t wait another minute before seeking help!

Outpatient Treatment Options

Outpatient rehab offer programs that a patient can schedule at any time during the week. This means your loved one can maintain his or her responsibilities and living at home while receiving treatment.

What happens during a session depends on what drives an individual to substance use. Some may receive medication while others receive beneficial education. Most receive some form of counseling and can access a vast support network.

Forms of Outpatient Treatment

Most outpatient rehabs fall into one of three categories:

Day Programs

Day programs have the most intensive structure in place for an outpatient facility. Clients agree to meet at least five days a week for several hours each day. On any given day, your loved one will either attend group counseling, participate in therapy, or undergo adjunct treatments like music or art therapy.

At the end of the day, patients can return home. However, because day programs require a significant time commitment, it can impede a patient’s ability to go to school or work.

Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP)

IOPs establish a treatment plan with well-defined milestones to measure recovery progress. The more milestones met, the less your loved one needs to commit each week.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

It may feel challenging to choose which type of treatment program is best for your loved one. Whether it’s an outpatient facility or an alternative form of treatment, the right drug abuse program is a crucial part of recovery.

Holistic Treatment

Holistic refers to an approach that considers the “whole person” in health care. This means focusing on the mind and the body at the same time when treating a person.

Many treatment centers employ a holistic approach to help patients better attend to their physical and mental health needs. Patients who participate in holistic treatment opportunities like yoga, meditation, acupuncture, and massage therapy often see significant improvements.

What is Included in a Holistic Treatment Program?

Generally speaking, rehab programs develop comprehensive treatment plans that carefully factor the intersections between physical, mental, and spiritual health. Some of these techniques come from various cultural traditions. Many are considered adjunct or alternative treatments best used to supplement more primary therapies.

Some of these alternative opportunities include:

  • Yoga and meditation
  • Acupuncture and acupressure
  • Nutritional therapy
  • Reiki and similar energy work
  • Herbal medicines
  • Biofeedback and neurofeedback

In some cases, holistic therapies can also draw in clients who would otherwise not consider seeking addiction treatment. Routine activities can make your loved one feel more comfortable in a new environment facing significant challenges.

How to Incorporate Holistic Techniques in Addiction Treatment

Some facilities augment recovery with holistic approaches that may alleviate:

  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Stress and similar emotional issues
  • Unhealthy eating habits and malnutrition
  • Feeling spiritually disconnected

Techniques like Reiki aim to reset a theoretical imbalance in the body, though clients are not required to participate.

Client Testimonials

Your Recovery Begins Today

You probably have a lot of questions, which is absolutely normal. Our compassionate staff is available around-the-clock to take your call and address any concerns you might have. Many of us have been right where you are and understand what you’re going through.
Don’t wait – call us today!

First City Recovery Center

317 W Jefferson Street

Kokomo, Indiana 46901


©2021 First City Recovery Center

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