Addiction Resources in Kokomo, Indiana

There is a great deal of rich legend and history surrounding the 13th largest city in Indiana. Kokomo is known as the ‘City of Firsts’ due to the several engineering and technological advancements in the extensive natural gas reserves. These have fueled multiple industries that call Kokomo home. 

The Peru Miami Tribe was native to the area that is now Kokomo. Legend has it that David Foster named the city Kokomo, which means black walnut, and it’s after the “orneriest Indian on earth” for the “orneriest place on earth.”

However, a city’s outstanding accomplishments don’t make the residents immune from the plague of drug and alcohol abuse. It is spreading across the United States at startling rates. Substance abuse is at the essence of a nationwide epidemic. 

Throughout the entire country, individuals are struggling due to the use of both illegal substances such as crack and heroin, along with the misuse of legal substances such as prescription drugs and alcohol. On the bright side, several useful resources are available for those who desire to seek drug and alcohol addiction treatment.

Rates of Substance Abuse in Kokomo, Indiana 

Substance Abuse in Kokomo, IndianaIt is no secret that addiction is becoming prevalent in Kokomo. In 2020, Indiana was listed as 10th place in the country, not for healthcare or education, but for drug use. According to the Indiana state government site, Howard County, Indiana, is considered an addiction hotspot, with overdose deaths increasing by 129% between 2019 and 2020. 

Furthermore, EMS reports indicated that in 2020, about 1.24% of emergency medical calls were associated with drug overdoses. Howard County experienced over 1,000 substance-related arrests in 2020, making it the 7th highest county in the state. The impact of substance abuse in Indiana and, more distinctively, in Howard County is staggering. 

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers in Kokomo, Indiana

There are three major categories in which addiction treatment programs for substance use disorders can be recognized partial hospitalization, outpatient, and residential programs. These fundamental types of addiction treatment will generally include the following:

The first treatment phase for patients involves flushing toxins out of the body to prepare patients for rehab. For the majority of patients, generally, this is an extremely challenging phase. If an individual attempts detoxing without professional assistance, they might develop risky withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms are medically risky and can lead to relapse. Therefore, increasing the chances of an overdose. 

One of the main benefits of an inpatient program is the patients will have a safe space where they can detox with professional monitoring. Even when the patient is willing, it’s common to find the withdrawal symptoms overwhelming. Overall, the intensity will differ based on the following: 

  • The patient’s body tolerance level 
  • Type of substances used
  • Based on the age

Common Withdrawal Symptoms

  • High blood pressure
  • Excessive sweating
  • Intense cravings
  • Headaches
  • Seizures 
  • Insomnia
  • Tremors
The Detox Phase

The detox phase might last between 3-10 days, and an individual might experience withdrawal symptoms in the first 6 hours. Typically, they will strengthen after 72 hours, and some can persist for months. Generally, even though the first days are more challenging, patients should feel better towards the end of the week. 

When a patient opts for a medically supervised detox, a professional will guide them on how to manage the emotional cravings and withdrawal symptoms. During this detox, medication might be administered to ease the withdrawal symptoms.

Medical detoxification, or detox, is an essential first step in the addiction recovery process. Medical detox is considered necessary when the patient’s withdrawal symptoms from alcohol or drugs are severe. It is also recommended for patients who have revealed signs of physical and physiological dependence on alcohol or drugs. 

Medical detox can assist in securing a healthier future by helping a patient in decreasing cravings and alleviate withdrawal symptoms. This helps with the physical side of addiction so the patient can face psychological aspects. Detox provides patients with medical interventions to keep them safe and comfortable. 

The process of eliminating addictive and toxic substances from a patient’s body is crucial. Typically, it’s conducted under the supervision of medical professionals. Overall, the main objective of a detox program is to minimize the potential physical harm that can occur.

In the beautiful and large population of Kokomo, there is a major issue of drug use and overdose. Fortunately, addiction is a treatable disorder, and with the proper support, freedom can be attainable. If you are striving to conquer your substance abuse disorder, our inpatient rehab treatment program can be helpful. 

Our inpatient rehab is an intensive treatment program for individuals with severe substance use issues. During this treatment option, the patients move into a controlled environment to become full-time residents. The patients will receive 24/7 support and care to overcome addiction. 

Overall, the main purpose of this treatment program is to remove the patient from the trigger-filled environment. A patient can stay in the facility for 30 to 90 days or longer, based on the severity of the person’s condition. Individuals with co-occurring mental health disorders will have a longer stay.

The rehab center might offer the patients the following amenities: 

  • Access to swimming pools
  • Cafeteria-style meals
  • Private rooms
  • Luxury suites
  • Gym or spa

Within the inpatient rehab program, we offer two options. The doctor will assess your case and recommend the most suitable option. Some factors that determine the type of program are:

  • Current medical and psychological conditions
  • The severity of drug abuse
  • The length of use

Inpatient Residential Rehab

For the inpatient residential rehab, the patients receive accommodation at the treatment facility for monitoring. The main goal of this program is to help the client reach stabilization. Inpatient is a short-term program where the patient will stay at the facility for a few weeks. 

After this program, an individual will need to develop a continuous treatment plan to support individual recovery. The majority of treatment facilities with remarkable medical capabilities offer this treatment program since the patient might need to receive medication for the duration of the program. 

Inpatient residential rehab benefits individuals with severe mental health and substance abuse issues. This program helps individuals who have relapsed before or patients who engage heavily in substance abuse. If you have a life-threatening disease influenced by substance abuse addiction or overdosed in the past, this program is for you. 

Partial Hospitalization Program 

If you require a high level of care and can’t attend the inpatient program, the partial hospitalization program is available. This program is ideal for those also leveling down from the inpatient program, especially for individuals who have an impending relapse. You will receive intense care but head home after treatment. 

Patients will attend a partial hospitalization program for about four to six hours a day, at least five days a week. Overall, this treatment plan suits individuals with a great support system at home. Most of our facilities will perform random drug tests on patients to ensure accountability.

Primarily, inpatient treatment features an individual therapy session where the patients will meet with a skilled professional to work through various personal issues. Patients should feel safe discussing details rather than in group settings. During these sessions, an individual might discuss the following: 

  • Concerns from friends and family without feeling judged
  • Problems experienced at work 
  • Strained relationships

Aside from individual therapy, group therapy is also essential to the longevity of addiction recovery. It benefits attending therapy sessions with patients from similar journies. As time goes on, individuals will be able to share experiences and develop better techniques. Group therapy highly benefits those with depression or anxiety. Overall, it’ll assist individuals in establishing purposeful relationships with people who have similar goals.

Family therapy is an aspect of the rehab journey. It’s known for bringing together loved ones to identify family patterns that may or may not contribute to drug abuse or mental illness. In turn, a client’s family members will be able to understand the addiction more but offer solid support. As a result, it can assist in mending troubled relationships.

The recovery process is ongoing, and even after a patient completes the inpatient program, an aftercare plan must be discussed with the therapist. The physician will evaluate the situation and recommend the most appropriate solution. For some individuals, the therapist can suggest that a patient considers an outpatient treatment plan. 

A patient can come to the rehab for a couple of hours and head home later. One of the benefits of this program is the patient can carry on with their daily activities such as school or work while still actively in treatment. There are numerous options that patients find as well. 

Sober Living Homes

Sober living homes are drug-free housing that will assist an individual in healthily transitioning into their daily life. The benefit of this program is the patients are among like-minded individuals, eliminating the possibilities of relapse and temptations. 

In sober living homes, strict rules are in place during these hours to promote self-sufficiency and accountability.

The Importance of Finding Treatment

finding addiction treatmentOnce a patient realizes they have a problem and needs help, the first step is finding treatment. Healthcare professionals are becoming encouraged to involve patients in their treatment decisions. Increased patient involvement is several deliberative changes essential to the aspect of quality improvement.

The reasons behind the lack of treatment vary from patient to patient. These reasons can range from fears of being criticized or excluded due to their mental illness. Sometimes, the lack of treatment stems from personal misunderstandings of the effectiveness of treatment. 

First and foremost, getting a mental or addiction illness in control is the deciding factor in living a quality life. Living with it can be an uphill battle, but receiving the proper treatment will make it more attainable. Living a life without the condition getting in the way is considered freedom. 

It’s important to realize that seeking addiction treatment is crucial, regardless of the treatment. Whether that chosen treatment is medication or therapy, there is a solution for every person. Once you decide to make that decision upon receiving treatment, it is one of the most important decisions. 

Upon first deciding on a treatment center in Indiana, there are a few things to think over. One of the guidelines is the type of substance use disorder a person has. Other items to review are the treatment programs available and the locations of the treatment centers in consideration. 

After this decision has been finalized, choose the most beneficial addiction treatment center that can fit your needs. The next step after that is the admissions process. Insurance options are vital; be sure to speak to us about health insurance options

Additional Addiction Resources

addiction treatment Kokomo IndianaThere are several resources for individuals who suffer from addiction. These resources can assist patients in getting the addiction treatment needed to begin on the path of sobriety. If you or someone you love is suffering from addiction, there are numerous resources to help. 

Some of the most popular resources are:

  • Narcotics Anonymous: This is a 12-step program that assists individuals in recovering from drug addiction. The program was created to assist individuals addicted to drugs, including alcoholics, and it’s based on the belief that addiction is a disease that can be treated by abstaining from drugs. The NA meetings are held in communities globally, and the members support one another throughout the process.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous: Alcoholics Anonymous is a 12-step program that assists individuals in recovering from alcoholism. This program is based on the belief that alcoholism is a disease that can be treated by abstaining from alcohol. The AA meetings are also held in communities globally, and the members support one another. 
  • SMART Recovery: This is a 4-step program that is based on the belief that addiction is a disease that can’t be treated by making lifestyle changes. The meetings are held in communities globally, and members genuinely provide support. 

Addiction Treatment Resources in Kokomo, Indiana

Even though deciding to attend treatment can be a challenging decision to make. It might feel as though you are weak for admitting you need help, but it’s okay to express vulnerability. There are various addiction resources available in Kokomo, Indiana, that can help. Contact us today.

Contact Us Today

You can contact us through phone or email.

Prior to admitting yourself into an addiction treatment center, you need to contact that treatment center directly.

When you first communicate with an addiction treatment center, they will ask you several questions about yourself and your struggles with addiction. When they’re asking you these questions, make sure that you are as honest as possible. This allows the treatment center to have a better idea of what programs to place you into.

At First City Recovery Center, we will do everything within our power to place you in the right treatment programs. As a result, we will be able to give you the highest chance of achieving long-term sobriety when you complete them.


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